Tag Archives: Linux

Installing Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL)

This text was taken from the book and a Udemy course The DevOps Toolkit: Catalog, Patterns, And Blueprints

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Linux Shell is essential and I will not go into great length to explain the reasons given that I am assuming that you already know that. So, we’ll jump straight into Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It lets us run Linux environment directly on Windows, and without the overhead of a virtual machine. It is part of Windows (not a replacement), so you can keep doing "Windows stuff", while still benefiting from Linux Shells and quite a few other things. It is a much better solution than using Shell emulators like Cygwin or GitBash, and it saves you from wasting resources on a virtual machine. WSL might be the best thing that happened to Windows, at least during the last couple of years.

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