How Platform Engineering Compares to Running a Restaurant

Dive into the fascinating world of platform engineering while we draw parallels between the complex operations of a bustling eatery and the intricate processes of platform engineering. Just as a successful restaurant relies on a harmonious blend of ingredients, staff, and ambiance to delight customers, platform engineering integrates various technologies, teams, and practices to deliver robust software solutions. Join us as we explore the similarities in skill sets in both fields.

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Exploring KCL: Configuration and Data Structure Language; CUE and Pkl Replacement?

Dive into the world of K Configuration Language (KCL). This review and walkthrough illuminates the features and advantages of using KCL to generate YAML or JSON configurations and manifests. We cover the basics of KCL’s syntax, its approach to handling hierarchical data, and demonstrate how to define and manipulate configurations with clarity and precision.

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Mastering Kubernetes: Dive into Workloads APIs

Embark on a journey to Kubernetes excellence with a dive into Kubernetes Workloads APIs. This video is your one-stop shop for mastering the various controllers and APIs that define how applications run on the powerful orchestration platform.

We kick off with the building blocks of all Kubernetes workloads – Pods. You’ll learn about their lifecycle, how to create them, and what makes them tick. But since Pods alone aren’t enough for a robust system, we introduce ReplicaSets – the key to ensuring your desired number of pod replicas are always up and running.

Next, we level up to Deployments for complete lifecycle management of your Pods and ReplicaSets, including updates and rollbacks. You’ll gain insights into setting up zero-downtime deployment strategies that keep your applications resilient.

For applications that require stable networking and persistent storage, we dive into StatefulSets, explaining how they differ from Deployments and suit specific use cases. You’ll learn how to handle stateful applications with confidence, ensuring data consistency and service discovery.

DaemonSets ensure that some workloads are a constant presence on your nodes. We cover scenarios where DaemonSets are essential and show you how to utilize them for tasks such as log collection and monitoring.

For workloads that need to run once or periodically, we unpack Jobs and CronJobs. Discover how to define batch jobs that run to completion and schedule them to run automatically, so your applications can handle maintenance tasks, data processing, or any other work that doesn’t fit into the always-on service model.

By the end of this video, you’ll possess an understanding of Kubernetes Workloads APIs. You’ll not only be able to deploy various types of applications but also manage their lifecycle and scale with the demands of your users.

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Mastering Kubernetes Testing with Kyverno Chainsaw!

Dive deep into the world of Kubernetes and discover the best practices for testing your resources with precision and confidence. In this tutorial, we focus on ensuring your Kubernetes deployments, services, and entire cluster configurations stand up to the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Get ready for a review and hands-on walkthrough on utilizing Kyverno Chainsaw to test your Kubernetes resources.

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Nix for Everyone: Unleash Devbox for Simplified Development

Simplify your development game with Devbox acting as a simplification layer on top of Nix. Use it to install all the tools required to work on a project and create ephemeral environments that can run as local Shells, remotely as DevContains for GitHub CodeSpaces or DevPod, in Docker containers, or in CI/CD pipelines.

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Crossplane Composition Functions | Tutorial (Part 5)

In this fifth installment of our Crossplane tutorial series, we are exploring Composition Functions. They allow us infinite flexibility to define which Managed Resources to create, manage, and delete, and how to do that.

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Is Pkl the Ultimate Data Format? Unveiling the Challenger to YAML, JSON, and CUE

Explore the world of data serialization formats as we delve into the question, Is PKL the Ultimate Data Format? In this video, we embark on a journey to discover the strengths and weaknesses of Apple Pkl. We put it up against popular contenders like YAML, JSON, CUE, and others, to assess its usefulness.

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Crossplane Configuration Packages | Tutorial (Part 4)

In this fourth installment of our Crossplane tutorial series, we are exploring Configuration Packages. They allow us to package Crossplane Compositions as OCI (Docker) images and distribute them to control plane clusters.

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How to Propagate Secrets Everywhere with External Secrets Operator (ESO) and Crossplane

We dive into the powerful synergy between External Secrets Operator (ESO) and Crossplane to efficiently manage and propagate secrets across your Kubernetes clusters, databases, and secrets managers. Learn how to securely and seamlessly integrate with cloud providers’ secret management systems using ESO, and see how to leverage Crossplane’s infrastructure as code capabilities to ensure your secrets are consistently deployed wherever they’re needed.

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Crossplane Compositions | Tutorial (Part 3)

In this third installment of our Crossplane tutorial series, we are exploring Compositions, probably the most important feature in Crossplane. They allow us to define interfaces (CRDs) and controllers that represent services we can use to enable others to manage resources like databases, clusters, applications, or anything else.

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