Category Archives: Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment

Say Goodbye to Makefile – Use Taskfile to Manage Tasks in CI/CD Pipelines and Locally

Discover the modern way of managing tasks in your development workflow with Taskfile, your Makefile alternative. In this video, we dive into how Taskfile simplifies task management both in CI/CD pipelines and local environments. Learn how to define and execute tasks with ease, gain insights into Taskfile’s convenient features, and see practical examples that will help you streamline your development process. Say goodbye to the complexity of Makefiles and embrace the simplicity of Taskfile for more efficient and maintainable workflows.

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Say Goodbye to Containers – Ephemeral Environments with Nix Shell

With Nix Shell, you can instantly spin up the exact environment you need, tailored to specific projects, and discard it with ease once you’re done. No containers!

We’ll walk you through the installation of Nix and various ways to craft custom environments with Nix Shell.

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Dagger: The Missing Ingredient for Your Disastrous CI/CD Pipeline

In this video, we will take a look at some of the common mistakes that people make when building CI/CD pipelines, and we will show you how Dagger can help you to avoid these mistakes.

Dagger is a set of libraries enable us to write CI (not CI/CD) pipelines in a variety of languages (NodeJS, Python, Elixir, etc.), that can run anywhere (locally, remotely, in other pipeline tools), and that is based on Docker or other container runtimes.

It replaces many of the tasks we normally write in Jenkins, GitHub Actions, Argo Workflows, Tekton, CircleCI, and other remote pipeline solutions.

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Mistakes When Building Internal Developer Platforms (IDP) and Streamlining SDLC

This video explores the common mistakes encountered when building Internal Developer Platforms (IDP) and streamlining Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

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Your CI/CD Pipelines Are Wrong – From Monoliths To Events

This YouTube video challenges the conventional wisdom around CI/CD pipelines, arguing that the transition from monolithic applications to event-driven architectures requires a paradigm shift in our approach. Tune in to explore the drawbacks of traditional CI/CD pipelines and discover how embracing event-driven systems can improve the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

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Devtron – Kubernetes-Native User-Friendly CI, CD, and GitOps

Devtron is an open-source software delivery workflow for Kubernetes. It combines CI, CD, and GitOps principles and processes through Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Argo Rollouts, Clair, and quite a few other tools.

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Full App Lifecycle In Kubernetes With Argo CD, DevSpace, vCluster, k3d, and GitHub Actions

Application lifecycle typically consists of three parts. First, we develop locally, we deploy to temporary environments, usually due to creating pull requests, and we proceed towards a permanent environment, all the way until production. Can we streamline and simplify the whole application lifecycle process by combining Kubernetes, vCluster, DevSpace, Argo CD, k3d, and GitHub Actions? Even if you prefer a different combination, the principles behind this process can be easily applied to a myriad of other tools.

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Tekton vs. Argo Workflows – Kubernetes-Native CI/CD Pipelines

Which self-managed kubernetes-native CI/CD pipeline is the best choice? Is it Tekton or Argo Workflows? Which one should you pick?

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Running Jenkins In Kubernetes – Tutorial And Review

Should we be using Jenkins for our Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline needs in 2021? How to deploy Jenkins in k8s? How to run Jenkins builds in Kubernetes? How would a full CI/CD pipeline look like?

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