Overriding Pipelines, Stages, And Steps And Implementing Loops In Jenkins X Pipelines

If you’d like to follow the examples, I will assume that you already have a cluster with serverless (Tekton-based) Jenkins X up-and-running.

Before we start exploring how to override different components in serverless Jenkins X pipelines, we’ll create a new quickstart project so that we have a sample application to play with.

jx create quickstart \
    --language go \
    --project-name jx-go-loops \

Hopefully, this is not the first time you created a quick start project, and you are already familiar with the out-of-the-box pipeline our new application inherited from a build pack. Also, I will assume that you do understand that buildPack: go instruction in jenkins-x.yml means that the pipeline inherits all the steps defined in the corresponding build pack.

Our pipeline is currently building a Linux binary of our application before adding it to a container image. But what if we’d like to distribute the application also as executables for different operating systems? We could provide that same binary, but that would work only for Linux users since that is the architecture it is currently built for. We might want to extend the reach to Windows and MacOS users as well, and that would mean that we’d need to build two additional binaries. How could we do that?

Since our pipeline is already building a Linux executable through a step inherited from the build pack, we can add two additional steps that would build for the other two operating systems. But that approach would result in jx-go-loops binary for Linux, and our new steps would, let’s say, build jx-go-loops_Windows and jx-go-loops_darwin. That, however, would result in "strange" naming. In that context, it would make much more sense to have jx-go-loops_linux instead of jx-go-loops. We could add yet another step that would rename it, but then we’d be adding unnecessary complexity to the pipeline that would make those reading it wonder what we’re doing. We could build the Linux executable again, but that would result in duplication of the steps.

What might be a better solution is to remove the build step inherited from the build pack and add those that build the three binaries in its place. That would be a more optimum solution. One step removed, and three steps added. But those steps would be almost the same. The only difference would be an argument that defines each OS. We can do better than repeating almost the same step. Instead of having three steps, one for building a binary for each operating system, we’ll create a loop that will iterate through values that represent operating systems and execute a step that builds the correct binary.

All that might be too much to swallow at once, so we’ll break it into two tasks. First, we’ll try to figure out how to remove a step from the inherited build pack pipeline. If we’re successful, we’ll put the loop of steps in its place.

Let’s get going.

We can use the overrides instruction to remove or replace any inherited element. We’ll start with the simplest version of the instruction and improve it over time.

Please execute the command that follows to create a new version of jenkins-x.yml.

You’ll see # This is new and # This was modified comments so that it’s easier to figure out which parts of the pipeline are new or modified, and which are left unchanged.

cd jx-go-loops

echo "buildPack: go
# This is new
    - pipeline: release
" | tee jenkins-x.yml

All we did was to add two lines at the end of the pipeline. We specified that we want to override the release pipeline.

Next, we’ll validate the syntax, push the changes to GitHub, and observe the result by watching the activities.

jx step syntax validate pipeline

git add .

git commit -m "Multi-architecture"

git push

jx get activities \
    --filter jx-go-loops/master \

The output of the last command, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

vfarcic/jx-go-loops/master #3      9s 4s Succeeded
  from build pack                  9s 4s Succeeded
    Credential Initializer Ch2fc   9s 0s Succeeded
    Working Dir Initializer 4gsbn  8s 0s Succeeded
    Place Tools                    7s 0s Succeeded
    Git Source Vfarcic Go Demo ... 6s 0s Succeeded https://github.com/vfarcic/jx-go-loops
    Git Merge                      6s 1s Succeeded
    Setup Jx Git Credentials       6s 1s Succeeded

Judging from the output of the latest activity, the number of steps dropped drastically. If you don’t believe me, check the steps in the first build of the pipeline. That’s the expected behavior since we told Jenkins X to override the release pipeline with "nothing". We did not specify replacement steps that should be executed instead of those inherited from the build pack. So, the only steps executed are those related to Git since they are universal and not tied to any specific pipeline.

Please press ctrl+c to stop watching the activities.

In our case, overriding the whole release pipeline might be too much. We do not have a problem with all of the inherited steps, but only with the build stage inside the release pipeline. So, we’ll override only that one.

Off we go.

echo "buildPack: go
    - pipeline: release
      # This is new
      stage: build
" | tee jenkins-x.yml

We added the stage: build instruction to the existing override of the release pipeline.

You probably know what comes next. We’ll validate the pipeline syntax, push the changes to GitHub, and observe the activities hoping that they will tell us whether the change was successful or not.

jx step syntax validate pipeline

git add .

git commit -m "Multi-architecture"

git push

jx get activities \
    --filter jx-go-loops/master \

The output, limited to the latest build, is as follows.

vfarcic/jx-go-loops/master #5     4m59s 4m49s Failed Version: 1.0.193
  from build pack                 4m59s 4m49s Failed
    Credential Initializer G72ls  4m59s    0s Succeeded
    Working Dir Initializer Z7ns2 4m58s    0s Succeeded
    Place Tools                   4m57s    0s Succeeded
    Git Source Vfarcic Go Demo... 4m56s    0s Succeeded https://github.com/vfarcic/jx-go-loops
    Git Merge                     4m56s    1s Succeeded
    Setup Jx Git Credentials      4m56s    2s Succeeded
    Promote Changelog             4m56s    8s Succeeded
    Promote Helm Release          4m55s   16s Succeeded
    Promote Jx Promote            4m55s 1m29s Succeeded
  Promote: staging                4m32s  1m6s Succeeded
    PullRequest                   4m32s  1m6s Succeeded  PullRequest: https://github.com/vfarcic/environment-tekton-staging/pull/4 Merge SHA: e943036bad3ecddce8769c64e5eaa39875d76611
    Update                        3m26s    0s Succeeded
    Promoted                      3m26s    0s Succeeded  Application is at: http://jx-go-loops.cd-staging.

The first thing we can note is that the number of steps in the activity is closer to what we’re used to. Now that we are not overriding the whole pipeline but only the build stage, almost all the steps inherited from the build pack are there. Only those related to the build stage are gone, simply because we limited the scope of the overrides instruction.

Please stop watching the activities by pressing ctrl+c.

We are getting closer to our goal. We just need to figure out how to override a specific step with the new one that will build binaries for all operating systems. But, how are we going to override a particular step if we do not know which one it is? We could find all the steps of the pipeline by visiting the repositories that host build packs. But that would be tedious. We’d need to go to a few repositories, check the source code of the related pipelines, and combine the result with the one we’re rewriting right now. There must be a better way to get an insight into the pipeline related to jx-go-loops.

Before we move on and try to figure out how to retrieve the full definition of the pipeline, we’ll revert the current version to the state before we started "playing" with overrides. You’ll see the reason for such a revert soon.

echo "buildPack: go" | tee jenkins-x.yml

Now that we are back to where we were before we discovered overrides, we can learn about yet another command.

jx step syntax effective

The output is the "effective" version of our pipeline. You can think of it as a merge of our pipeline combined with those it extends (e.g., from build packs). It is the same final version of the YAML pipeline Jenkins X would use as a blueprint for creating Tekton resources.

The reason we’re outputting the effective pipeline lies in our need to find the name of the step currently used to build the Linux binary of the application. If we find its name, we will be able to override it.

The output, limited to the relevant parts, is as follows.

buildPack: go
        - agent:
            image: go
          name: from-build-pack
          - command: make build
            dir: /workspace/source
            image: go
            name: build-make-build

We know that the step we’re looking for is somewhere inside the release pipeline, so that should limit the scope. If we take a look at the steps inside, we can see that one of them executes the command make build. That’s the one we should remove or, to be more precise, override.

There’s one more explanation I promised to deliver. Why did we revert the pipeline to the version before we added overrides? If we didn’t, we would not find the step we were looking for. The whole build stage from the release pipeline would be gone since we had it overridden to nothing.

Now, let’s get back to our mission. We know that the step we want to override in the effective version of the pipeline is named build-make-build. Since we know that the names are prefixed with the stage, we can deduce that the stage is build and the name of the step is make-build.

Now that it’s clear what to override, let’s talk about loops.

We can tell Jenkins X to loop between values and execute a step or a set of steps in each iteration. An example syntax could be as follows.

- loop:
    variable: COLOR
    - yellow
    - red
    - blue
    - purple
    - green
    - command: echo "The color is $COLOR"

If we’d have that loop inside our pipeline, it would execute a single step five time, once for each of the values of the loop. What we put inside the steps section is up to us, and the only important thing to note is that steps in the loop use the same syntax as the steps anywhere else (e.g., in one of the stages).

Now, let’s see whether we can combine overrides with loop to accomplish our goal of building a binary for each of the "big" three operating systems.

Please execute the command that follows to update jenkins-x.yml with the new version of the pipeline.

echo "buildPack: go
    - pipeline: release
      # This is new
      stage: build
      name: make-build
      - loop:
          variable: GOOS
          - darwin
          - linux
          - windows
          - name: build
            command: CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=\${GOOS} GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/jx-go-loops_\${GOOS} main.go
" | tee jenkins-x.yml

This time we are overriding the step make-build in the build stage of the release pipeline. The "old" step will be replaced with a loop that iterates over the values that represent operating systems. Each iteration of the loop contains the GOOS variable with a different value and executes the command that uses it to customize how we build the binary. The end result should be jx-go-loops_ executable with the unique suffix that tells us where it is meant to be used (e.g., linux, darwin, or windows)s.

If you’re new to Go, the compiler uses environment variable GOOS to determine the target operating system for a build.

Next, we’ll validate the pipeline and confirm that we did not introduce a typo incompatible with the supported syntax.

jx step syntax validate pipeline

There’s one more thing we should fix. In the past, our pipeline was building the jx-go-loops binary, and now we changed that to jx-go-loops_linux, jx-go-loops_darwin, and jx-go-loops_windows. Intuition would tell us that we might need to change the reference to the new binary in Dockerfile, so let’s take a quick look at it.

cat Dockerfile

The output is as follows.

FROM scratch
ENTRYPOINT ["/jx-go-loops"]
COPY ./bin/ /

The last line will copy all the files from the bin/ directory. That would introduce at least two problems. First of all, there is no need to have all three binaries inside container images we’re building. That would make them bigger for no good reason. The second issue with the way binaries are copied is the ENTRYPOINT. It expects /jx-go-loops, instead of jx-go-loops_linux that we are building now. Fortunately, the fix to both of the issues is straightforward. We can change the Dockerfile COPY instruction so that only jx-go-loops_linux is copied and that it is renamed to jx-go-loops during the process. That will help us avoid copying unnecessary files and will still fulfill the ENTRYPOINT requirement.

cat Dockerfile \
    | sed -e \
    's@/bin/ /@/bin/jx-go-loops_linux /jx-go-loops@g' \
    | tee Dockerfile

Now we’re ready to push the change to GitHub and observe the new activity that will be triggered by that action.

git add .

git commit -m "Multi-architecture"

git push

jx get activities \
    --filter jx-go-loops/master \

The output, limited to the latest build, is as follows.

vfarcic/jx-go-loops/master #6        3m4s 2m55s Succeeded Version: 1.0.194
  from build pack                  3m4s 2m55s Succeeded
    Credential Initializer Xb9cv   3m4s    0s Succeeded
    Working Dir Initializer Qknjp  3m3s    0s Succeeded
    Place Tools                    3m2s    0s Succeeded
    Git Source Vfarcic Go Demo...  3m0s    0s Succeeded https://github.com/vfarcic/jx-go-loops
    Git Merge                      3m0s    1s Succeeded
    Setup Jx Git Credentials       3m0s    1s Succeeded
    Build1                         3m0s   22s Succeeded
    Build2                         3m0s   30s Succeeded
    Build3                         3m0s   46s Succeeded
    Build Container Build         2m59s   48s Succeeded
    Build Post Build              2m59s   49s Succeeded
    Promote Changelog             2m58s   53s Succeeded
    Promote Helm Release          2m58s  1m2s Succeeded
    Promote Jx Promote            2m57s 2m16s Succeeded
  Promote: staging                1m48s  1m7s Succeeded
    PullRequest                   1m48s  1m7s Succeeded  PullRequest: ...
    Update                          41s    0s Succeeded
    Promoted                        41s    0s Succeeded  Application is at: ...

We can make a few observations. The Build Make Build step is now gone, so the override worked correctly. We have Build1, Build2, and Build3 in its place. Those are the three steps created as a result of having the loop with three iterations. Those are the steps that are building windows, linux, and darwin binaries.

Please stop watching the activities by pressing ctrl+c.

Before we move on, I must confess that I would not make the same implementation as the one we just explored. I’d rather change the build target in Makefile. That way, there would be no need for any change to the pipeline. The build pack step would continue building by executing that Makefile target so there would be no need to override anything, and there would certainly be no need for a loop. Now, before you start throwing stones at me, I must also state that overrides and loop can come in handy in some other scenarios. I had to come up with an example that would introduce you to overrides and loop, and that ended up being the need to cross-compile binaries, even if it could be accomplished in an easier and a better way. Remember, the "real" goal was to learn those constructs, and not how to cross-compile with Go.

The DevOps 2.6 Toolkit: Jenkins X

The article you just read is an extract from The DevOps 2.6 Toolkit: Jenkins X.

You can get the book from Amazon, LeanPub, or look for it through your favorite book seller.

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