Tag Archives: Front-end

Including Front-End Web Components Into Microservices

Microservices and Front-End

Microservices are becoming more and more popular and many are choosing to transition away from monolithic architecture. However, this approach was mostly limited to back-end services. While it made a lot of sense to split them into smaller independent pieces that can be accessed only through their APIs, same did not apply to front-end. Why is that? I think that the answer lies in technologies we’re using. The way we are developing front-end is not designed to be split into smaller pieces.

Server-side rendering is becoming history. While enterprise might not agree with that statement and continues pushing for server-side frameworks that “magically” transform, for example, Java objects to HTML and JavaScript, client frameworks will continue to increase in popularity slowly sending server-side page rendering into oblivion. That leaves us with client-side frameworks. Single-Page Applications are what we tend to use today. AngularJS, React, ExtJS, ember.js and others proved to be a next step in evolution of front-end development. However, Single-Page Applications or not, most of them are promoting monolithic approach to front-end architecture.

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Server vs client side rendering (AngularJS vs server side MVC)

There’s a lot of discussion related to server vs client side application rendering. While there is no “one choice fits all” solution, I’ll try to argue in favor of client side (specifically AngularJS) from different points of view. First of them is architecture.


Well done architecture has clearly defined separation of concerns (SoS). In most cases minimal high level configuration is:
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Application development: front-end solution with JavaScript

In the previous article we developed the back-end solution for our books application. This article will continue where we stopped.

We’ll develop a front-end solution that can be used with any back-end (Web, mobiles…). You can build on top of the back-end from the previous article (Java, Jersey, Grizzly…) or on top of any other as long as supported services are the same.

The goal of the application is to be able to administer books. In particular, we’ll develop the front-end solution for that application that should be able to:

  • Add new book
  • Update existing book
  • Delete an existing book
  • List all books
  • Display details of the selected book
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