Tag Archives: AWS

Crossplane Providers and Managed Resources | Tutorial (Part 2)

In this second installment of our Crossplane tutorial series, we dive deeper into the world of Crossplane Providers and Managed Resources. Watch as we guide you through the process of setting up and utilizing various providers and resources to manage your cloud infrastructure and services using Crossplane’s Kubernetes-style APIs. In this video, you’ll learn how to configure connections to cloud providers like AWS, GCP, and Azure, and show you how to create and manage resources in those.

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Stop Giving Permanent Access To Anyone: Just-in-Time with Apono

Granting permanent access to anyone for anything is dangerous and unnecessary. Instead, we should be using the just-in-time approach, and Apono might be just the solution for that. Enhance security, prevent breaches, and empower us to control access more effectively while easily giving temporary access to whoever needs it with Apono.

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How To Create A Complete Internal Developer Platform (IDP)?

It’s time to build an internal developer platform (IDO) with Crossplane, Argo CD, SchemaHero, External Secrets Operator (ESO), GitHub Actions, Port, and a few others.

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How To Secure Everything Without Making Everyone Suffer

What makes a system secure? How do we secure everything, no matter whether it’s running inside Kubernetes clusters, Cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud (GCP), or anything else?

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Cloud Custodian – Policies? Resource Management? Something Else?

Cloud Custodian is yet another tool that helps us audit, manage, and apply policies to cloud resources, but with a twist. Is it any good? Should you use it? Who should use it?

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How To Shift-Left Stateless Kubernetes Applications Management

How can we enable application developers to be self-sufficient instead of opening JIRA tickets requesting deployment of their apps to Kubernetes, creation of databases, clusters, etc.? In this video, I’m trying to answer that question through an example of a stateful application running in Kubernetes and connected to a database. To accomplish that, I’ll use Crossplane, SchemaHero, Okteto, and a bit of Bash scripting.

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Cloud And Kubernetes Cost Reporting With CAST AI

Exploring CAST AI as a way to combine scaling with cost reporting of cloud and Kubernetes resources.

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Cloud-Native Applications And NOT Infrastructure Code – Klotho

Wouldn’t it be great if we would not need to define infrastructure but let applications themselves figure out what to do, where to run, and how to do all that? Klotho enables us to write Cloud-native microservices and applications and auto-magically get infrastructure and the code that ties it all together.

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Running AWS Services In A Laptop Using LocalStack

LocalStack is a fully functional mock of AWS services running locally on your computer. We can use it to develop and test cloud and serverless apps offline. It can run through the CLI, in a Docker container, or in a Kubernetes cluster. We can use it to create mocks of S3 buckets, Lambda functions, RDS databases, ECR repositories, and more.

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How To Shift Left Infrastructure Management Using Crossplane Composites

The job of ops should not be to create and manage infrastructure for other teams. Instead, it should be to enable other teams to manage their own infra. It should be about creating tools and platforms that are opinionated, yet provide sufficient freedom for the teams, no matter whether they are using AWS, Azure, Google Cloud (GCP), or any other provider.

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